Product Marketing Alliance


How to name a product: a step-by-step guide, 2023

Naming: A sacred exercise in any capacity, but one that holds even more weight when tied to an idea. And the greater the weight, the heavier the burden to get it right.

For product marketers, the process of naming a product is special but scary. The best names covey not only the product, but also its value and use cases. In this sense, the name must be a noun, a verb, and an adjective all at once. A difficult task – no matter the language.

This article will serve as a primer for anyone considering getting into the name game, whether you’re an experienced product marketer looking for a jolt of inspiration amid a sea of burnout, or a new associate just starting out in your career. Click the button below to read the full article.

The State of product marketing report, 2021

The State of Product Marketing report is back for its third year and just like we promised, it's a real page-turning eye-opener. Welcome to this year's installment of our annual exploration of the product marketing landscape. The State of Product Marketing 2021 follows the inaugural 2019 report and last year's equally popular edition, offering a granular deep dive into how the past 12 months have shaped life for PMMs around the globe. Download the full report.

Top 100 Influencers, 2021

Every year, we at Product Marketing Alliance ask the product marketing community to nominate those within the industry who inspire them and have had a profound impact on their career. This year, our lineup is looking particularly magical.

And, honestly, the term ‘influencer’ is underselling it. These product marketing pros have shone brightly, lead the way for future PMMs, and helped build an industry that will continue to impress, engage, and motivate.

We just can’t get enough of them! So, we won’t keep you waiting any longer - here are 2021’s top 100 product marketing influencers. Download the full report.

How to improve sales team training sessions, 2021

Converting a prospect into a customer isn’t straightforward. If you talk to any product manager, they’ll tell you that early adopters are pivotal to future product development. This is true, but not in the way you may think.

Early adopters are assumed to be end-users of the product, but in reality, an early adopter is anyone who you can get to buy into your product, and as such, the first sale happens well before you hit the market.

The real first? It’s the one you make to the sales team. Click the button below to read the full article.